A quick post on ducts: they are in. Be sure to check out Michael's images, which some describe as "happier" or "more vibrant" or "less Jersey" than mine. Well... so be it.
Deltatemp came back today to install the ducts. We designed a large utility chase into the house to allow the various systems to efficiently serve the two floors, and Deltatemp has installed an open system which will treat the chase as a return plenum instead of ducting return air from specific locations. If you look through the pictures you'll also notice the- uh- triple sealed duct joints - tape, then two coats of mastic- to pretty much eliminate air leakage. Also please note the particular care we've taken to make the ducts too small for spies, ninjas, most aliens, and/or Tom Cruise. Dennis Quaid a la Innerspace would have a go of it though- sans Martin Short, natch- until the MERV 13 filters... then he'd be stuck.
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